Will this also become your mantra?

Let’s PACE.
Why our approach is so effective.

If you really want to bring about change and contribute to the success of your employees and your organisation in the long term, you can benefit from PACE’s one-size-fits-one approach.

From knowing to doing.

PACE combines scientific knowledge, years of business experience and the mindset of a top athlete with insights from positive psychology and research into happiness at work. We build a strong foundation for sustainable behavioural change, by taking actionable steps  to embed long-lasting new habits in the work environment.

A thorough intake maps out your needs. And then our team of experts literally and figuratively sets your employees in motion:

Secure long-lasting results for your company culture

Your employees will benefit from more energy, better insight and more confidence in themselves, each other and the organisation. In turn, this will have a lasting positive impact on the individual, their work, the team’s spirit, company culture and ultimately the wider community.

Did you know?

Happy and healthy people are the foundation of successful businesses that are a magnet for talent. That’s why company culture and a realistic workload are crucial to win the war for talent.

Organisations benefit from:

– nealry 20% better results in terms of productivity and sales
50% fewer absences
90% less staff turnover

Source: Prof. dr. Wilmar Schaufeli, 2019

Ready to lay the first stone
for lasting change?